Dr. Izadora Silva Pimenta

My name is Izadora. I am an Afro-Latina cis woman. My pronouns are she/her.

I have a doctorate in Digital Linguistics from TU Darmstadt (2023), financed by a Studienstiftung des deutschen ​Volkes scholarship (awarded in 2020). I did my master's degree in Applied Linguistics at the University of Campinas ​(2019), with a focus on Language and Society, financed by a FAEPEX scholarship (awarded in 2017). My bachelor's ​degree is in Journalism, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2014).

Currently, my research interest lie in investigating how language represents experiences in the world and how this ​perpetuates inequality. This encompasses a range of topics, extending beyond mere discourse analysis to recognise ​that language reflects societal norms, and society, in turn, reflects the language in use, considering the narrative ​behind discourses. I am particularly interested in contexts in which discourses are against a social wrong (e.g. ​racism), to understand what kind of goals, experiences and prioritizations come into place - and if they really reflect ​the experience of the ones affected by the mentioned social wrong.

My journey through language studies has always been socially motivated. Since my master’s, I have been working in ​an interdisciplinary manner, with interdisciplinarity significantly shaping and defining my academic trajectory.